Lectures & Tutorials

By Ting Huang in Teaching

September 1, 2020

Organization and Management


Guest lecturer & instructor

Lecture title

Organizational Diversity

Extent of involvement

  • Teach one lecture
  • Coordinate group work on case study (4 tutorials)


  • Time: Fall, 2021-present
  • Levels: Master level, 7.5 ECTS
  • Institution: Sino-Danish Centers
  • No. of participants: 22-25 students
  • Location: Online


Villadsen, A. R., & Wulff, J. N. (2017). Is the Public Sector a Fairer Employer? Ethnic Employment Discrimination in the Public and Private Sectors. Academy of Management Discoveries, 4(4), 429–448

Riccucci, N. M., Van Ryzin, G. G., & Lavena, C. F. (2014). Representative Bureaucracy in Policing: Does It Increase Perceived Legitimacy? Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 24(3), 537–551


Human Resource Management & Development


Guest lecturer & instructor

Lecture title

  • Lecture 1: Leadership Development & Succession Planning
  • Lecture 2: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Extent of involvement

  • Teach two lectures
  • Grade exam papers (6-hour written exam)
  • Help design parts of the exam questions


  • Time: Spring, 2021-2022
  • Levels: Master level, 10 ECTS
  • Institution: Aarhus University
  • No. of participants: 72 students
  • Location: Aarhus, Denmark


Conger, J. A., & Fulmer, R. M. (2003). Developing Your Leadership Pipeline. Harvard Business Review, 81(12), 76-84.

Groves, K. S. (2007). Integrating leadership development and succession planning best practices. Journal of Management Development, 26(3), 239-260.

Jacobsen, C. B., Andersen, L. B., Bøllingtoft, A., & Eriksen, T. L. M. 2021. Can Leadership Training Improve Organizational Effectiveness? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment on Transformational and Transactional Leadership. Public Administration Review.

Liff, S. 1997. Two routes to managing diversity: Individual differences or social group characteristics. Employee Relations, 19(1): 11–26.

Knippenberg, D. van, Dreu, C. D. D., & Homan, A. 2004. Work group diversity and group performance: An integrative model and research agenda. The Journal of Applied Psychology.

Mor Barak, M. E., Cherin, D. A., & Berkman, S. 1998. Organizational and Personal Dimensions in Diversity Climate: Ethnic and Gender Differences in Employee Perceptions. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 34(1): 82–104.


Student evaluation for HRMD

Industrial Organization and Strategy



Extent of involvement

  • Coordinate group work on case studies (8 cases)


  • Time: Fall, 2021
  • Levels: Bachelor level, 10 ECTS
  • Institution: Aarhus University
  • No. of participants: 25 students * 2 classes
  • Location: Aarhus, Denmark


Student evaluation for strategy

Posted on:
September 1, 2020
2 minute read, 362 words
Guest lecture
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